Autumnal Transitioning

There is no shortage of information out there on the Autumn Equinox and what it means in layman’s terms for those within its grasp. But the true focus of the season is not solely outside of ourselves, but what bearings it has upon us as individuals. “As within, so without” yes? To fully experience the depth in which this start of a season brings to our own lives, I’d like to take you on a walk through the metaphoric impression of each magickal bit that is Autumn.


The September Full Moon (or in days of old, the moon closest to the equinox) was known as the Harvest Moon in lieu of the crops planted back in spring finally ripe for the picking. Our ancestors knew that come this full moon, they could finally reap the rewards of their hard-earned bounty. If we look to our own lives, we too can reap the rewards of sweet success. Now is the time to look back upon your year, no matter how great or difficult things may seem, and take stock of your bounty. What good has come into your life, now ready to be reaped? What challenges have you overcome? What lessons have been learned? What will you carry with you through the dark and cool months of Winter? Better yet, what new seeds have you to keep warm for planting come spring? These are good questions to ask yourself fore they are the key to the fruit you bare come next season.


We all find ourselves in awe of the beauty that Fall’s colorful pallet brings.  The leaves changing color brings a warmth and radiance to our lives that many look forward to with the arrival of Autumn. The reds, yellows, and orange hues paint a cozy picture and there’s nothing like walking through a park whilst kicking up leaves. But, how often do we stop and contemplate that those beguiling shades of Fall are in fact shades of death? The leaves shift from green when they prepare to die and fall off the branches of the trees. Perhaps a reminder of the true beauty that death really is…The trees themselves do not resist the death process, fore they know it is a necessary part of their own growth. A necessary part of the natural order. And all the more, they know that come spring, life will return with new blossoms. And so, how can you relate to the tree? If you’re like myself and many of my friends, we find ourselves shedding our leaves in the form of physical release. Sinus, post nasal drip, headaches, hot flashes, coughing or sore throats, and dizziness are the physical symptoms of our metaphoric deaths. What was harming us buried deep within…emotions, negative thoughts, heartaches, anger…Perhaps yours is in the form of falling away, emotional outbursts…The Autumn Equinox brings up and out to bring us back into balance. We shed the leaves that no longer serve us on our journey so that we may make way for new growth come spring. But what of the time in between?

As we move toward Samhain, also known as Halloween, we prepare for the end of our year. Nowadays we celebrate the end of the year Dec. 31st, but seasonally speaking and according to the wise ones (also known as our ancestors fore they were so much smarter than us for all of our technology) the end of the year comes October 31st. “All souls night”…We increase in darkness and decrease in light as we move toward the end of the year and the veil between the worlds becomes increasingly nonexistent. This would be the time of our passing. Our symbolic death and transition from one way into another. (Tune in for my Samhain musing.)  Alas, it is time now, dearest loves, to reflect on all that was, all that is, and what is yet to be and continue to clear out the cupboards to make way for new.

Love & Magickal Blessings,

From the musings of a magickal mind…

-Jamie Mendez

(Tune into my live guidance readings every Monday & Friday on Magickal Me!)

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